Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Will I really get CLE credit in my state for attending Sea Day CLE?
Sea Day CLE will apply for CLE credit to each jurisdiction represented by every participant in the program. The CLE is sponsored by Kirton McConkie, one of the largest and most reputable law firms in Utah. Sea Day CLE and its predecessor program have successfully obtained CLE credit approval in every jurisdiction to which we have applied. We will submit pre-approval requests to your jurisdiction if not already approved for all current and future CLE cruise programs.
How much does the CLE program cost?
Of course this is the most important question, after confirming the availability of CLE credit. The good news is that our travel agent, Sheila Lambie, can obtain the best available prices and promotions from our cruise line representatives – better than we can book on our own and with substantial additional included amenities. Because the CLE presenters are also fellow participants, THERE IS NO ADDITIONAL COST FOR THE CLE PROGRAM beyond a $100 administrative fee (included in the price) to cover out of pocket costs including CLE approvals, credit fees, materials, and the like! The only other expense you will incur is the best rate for the cruise that Sheila can secure from the cruise line as part of our group. Please contact us to get more information about current pricing.
Do I need to be vaccinated?
Vaccination rules change from country to country and cruise line to cruise line on a frequent basis. As of the date of this update, Celebrity no longer requires any proof of vaccine or pre-departure testing for the Sea Days CLE itinerary. For up to date information, see Celebrity’s Healthy at Sea (click here) website, including their own FAQ page.
I have never cruised before. Will I like it?
YES! Maybe someone doesn’t like cruising, but I haven’t met them yet! In fact, I became hooked on cruising when booking my first cruise on a CLE cruise years ago. The large ships that we use for the Sea Day CLE program have wide food varieties (included), hours of entertainment options (included), sweeping views, (included) exotic port destinations (included)… endless opportunities. But if you want to know more details about the cruising experience, ask us your questions on the Contact Us page.

Seriously, if this is your first cruise, please let us know. There are several tips and pointers that you should know before embarking on your first cruise, and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Want to jump on board? Contact us for rates and more information.

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